What Is Scouting/Guiding
Scouting Guiding Is
● Education for Life: -
Scouting/Guiding complements the school and family and fulfills those needs which are not fulfilled by both. Scouting develops knowledge, exploration, observation and curiosity. Scouting explores the world away from the classroom, knocking out other people's learning skills and sharing that knowledge with others.
● Movement for youth and girls:-
Scouting is a movement that is developed and adapted everywhere according to the local conditions to meet the progressive local needs.
● International:
Scouting Guiding is recognized organizations/ branches in 216 countries of the world.
● Progressive :-
The growth of Scouting has never stopped. Today more than 30 million Scouts /Guides youth and adult youth and girls are its members in 216 countries and the number of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is more than one crore in about 150 countries.
● Equal Opportunity for all:
Scouting and Guiding for all without .A caste provides equal opportunity in accordance with the principle objective as formulated by the founder of religion discrimination, Baden Powell.
National Flag, BSG Flag, World scout Flag
Pratham Sopan Syllabus In English
Dwitiya sopan syllabus In English
● Healthy Recreation: -
Scouting helps young girls to develop physical, mental, social and spiritual through entertainment.
● A Challenge for Adults:
Support Opportunities for Young Girls Ways to develop mutual understanding across generations. Adult Leader in Service Gain training and experience. which enhance their personal development.
● Voluntary: -
Children and adults should be involved in Scouting.
● Apolitical Non-Government:-
Scouting neither represents nor should any political party or organization. Still, the Scouting Guiding community should be encouraged to make their constructive contribution for the country.
स्काउटिंग से जुड़ी जानकारी हिंदी में प्राप्त करने के लिए क्लिक करें
● Unique Method: -
Personal Commitment Promise: - The Scout follows the promise and rule for a simple life.
● Learning by Action: -
Active participation with others, working in small and large groups. Develop team leadership, group skills and individual responsibility.
● Programs to encourage/motivate:-
Progressive activities based on the interest of young girls. Activities take place in the midst of nature where simplicity, creativity and discovery present adventure and challenge.
● Rules/Codes for Living:
A Spiritual Dimension: Commitment to seek spiritual values away from materiality.
● Social Dimension:-
Participation in the development of society, respect for others and loyalty to nature, increasing local, national, international peace, understanding and cooperation.
● Personal Dimension:
Developing a sense of personal responsibility and motivating the desire for responsible self-expression.