Scout guide 250 question answer | Scouting Question Answer in English | Bsg Question.



1. When did the President Scout Guide Rally start?

Answer :- 1961

2. Who is the President of Bharat Scouts and Guides?

Answer :- Anil Kumar Jain

 3. Who will be the Secretary of the State Finance Committee?

Answer:- State Secretary

4. When is the meeting of the National Training Committee held?

 Answer :- 15 October every year

5. Which rope is used to tie a bundle of wood?

Answer :- Timber Hitch

6. Which lashing starts with the timber hitch?

Answer :- Diagonal Lacing

7. How many points are there in compass?

Answer :- 16

8. When did Baden Powell die?

Answer :- 8 January 1941

9. On which death anniversary of Baden Powell was paid tribute in the year 2022?

Answer :- 81th

10. How many days did Mafking's war last?

Answer :- 217 days

11. When were the Bharat Scouts and Guides established?

Answer :- 7 November 1950 

12. When was the first Scout Master Camp organized?

Answer :- 1918

13. From which hitch does the square lacing begin?

Answer:- clove hitch

14. Where was the 3rd World Jamboree held?

Answer :- England

15. Where was the first Gilwell Wood Badge course organized in India?

Answer :- Kolkata

16. When was the World Scout flag accepted?

Answer :- 1961

17. When was the national anthem first sung?

Answer :- 27 December 1911

18. Into how many degrees is the compass divided?

Answer :- 360°

19. When was the First International Adventure Program organized?

Answer :- 1999

20. When was the first All India sea Scout Course organized?

Answer :- 1936

21. When did Sister Scouts and Girl Messenger Service merge?

Answer :- 1921

22. Where was the first troop formed in the railways?

Answer :- NWR

23. What is the meaning of this hand gesture :- "showing the hand or flag straight up"

Answer :- Wait

24. In India, what is the highest award given for meritorious work in scouting?

Answer :- Silver Elephant

25. What is the color of the contour line in the map?

Answer :- Brown

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26. How many stars are there in the Great Wear?

Answer :- 07

 27. Which of these states is not under the Eastern region of BSG?

Answer :- Madhya Pradesh

28. How many region are there in WOSM?

Answer :- 06

29. Which color is not used to show features in the map?

Answer :- Violet

30. When did Scouting in India become a member of the World Organization of Scout Movement?

Answer :- 1938

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31. Who composed scout guide Flag song ?

Ans :- Daya shankar Bhatt

32. What is size of association flag ?

Ans :- 180cm × 120 cm

33. Who composed national anthem of india ?

Ans :- Ravindra Nath Taigor

34. What is the duration of singing BSG prayer song ?

Ans :- 90 sec

35. Which knot used for life saving ?

Ans :- Bowline

36. Who is the chairman of petrol in council ?

Ans :- Petrol Leader

37. Who countersigns the proficiency badge certificates?

Ans :- DC

38. How many chapters are there in Scouting for Boys?

Ans :- 09

39. Who was the first national commissioner in Scouting?

Ans :- Hriday nath kunjuru

40. Who is the chief patron of BS&G?

Ans :- President of india

41. What should be the minimum age of a S/G to attend the Rajyapuraskar testing camp?

Ans :- 13 year

42. Name the proficiency badge which is special as it is signed by the state chief commissioner?

Ans :- World Conversation

43.  What is the colour of the cross sign of Child Nurse proficiency badge?

Ans :- Green

44. How many people should be helped to get checked for leprosy in Rural Worker proficiency badge?

Ans :- 50 People

45. What is the duration of completion of the activity planting and taking care of 10 plants in the soil conversation proficiency badge?

Ans :- 30 Day

46. How many square lashings are there in a trestle?

Ans :- 08

47. How many proficiency badges are to be earned in Tritiya Sopan?

Ans :- 03

48. How many stars are there in Orion constellation?

Ans :- 14

49. How many divisions are there in linear scale?

Ans :- 02

50. What is the maximum error allowed in estimation?

Ans :- 25%






51. To join two poles at 90° to each other, which lashing is used?

Ans :- Square Lashing

52. How many tertiary(three lettered) points are there in a compass?

Ans :- eight (08)

53. What is the duration of community work in dwitiya sopan?

Ans :- 01 Month

54. Which knot is used in bandages?

Ans :- Reef knot

55. Which BP’s Six exercise is known as cone exercise?

Ans :- Fourth

56. What is the ratio of the National Flag?

Ans :- 3:2

57. In which year was B-P born?

Ans :- 1857

58. In which year was the first experimental camp at Brownsea Island?

Ans :- Brown Sea Island, 1907

59. In which year did Baden Powell die?

Ans :- 1941

60. Which knot is shown on the Brother Hood badge of all sections?

Ans :- Reef Knot

Q.61 Who is the chairman of Patrol in Conrail? 

Ans Patrol Leader. 

Q.62 What is Patrol Corner? 

Ans. a place where the members of a patrol meet discuss and carry out the patrol activities. 

Q.63 How can protect the end of a rope from fraying out? 

Ans- By whipping

Q.64 Which knot is used in bandages? 

Ans Reef Knot

Q.65 Which knot is used for Life Saving? 

Ans Bow Line

Q.66 Who is the Chairman of Patrol-in-Council? 

Ans Patrol Leader Concerned. 

Q.67 Who is the leader of the smallest unit of a group/company? 

Ans Patrol Leader. 

Q.68 To join two slippery ropes, which knot is to be used? 

Ans Fisherman Knot. 

Q.69 To call the troop leader, what whistle signal would you use? 

Ans One long blast followed by three short blasts. 

Q.70 Which exercise is the only BP six exercise done with feet apart? 

Ans 5th 

Q.71 In first aid, base, point , ends and sides are all the parts of what? 

Ans A triangular bandage

Q.72 Which sling is used to support only the wrist? 

Ans Cuff and collar sling. 

73. Who wrote the book Aids to Scouting?

Ans :- Lord Bedan Powell

74. Where is our National bird seen in Scout uniform?

Ans :- On The Cap Badge

75. November 7th is an important day for BS&G. What is the importance?

Ans :- Foundation Day

76. What is the duration of the National Anthem?

Ans :- 52 Sec

77. When did guiding begin in India?

Ans :- 1911

78. Which is the only BP’s six exercise which is supposed to be done barefoot?

Ans :- 6 Exercise

79. Which knot is used to tie a sheet of cloth to a rope?

Ans :- Sheet Band Knot

80. What is the size of the Patrol Flag?

Ans :- 20×30×30

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81. Which knot is used to shorten a rope without cutting it?

Ans :- Sheep Sank Knot

82. To join two slippery ropes, which knot is to be used?

Ans :- Fisherman Knot

83. How many cardinal/primary points in a compass?

Ans :- 04

84.If your method of fire building has three thick woods as the enclosure, what is that method fire building called?

Ans :- Foundation Fire

85. What is the weight of Scout axe ?.

Ans :- 750g

86. Which direction shows the pole star?

Ans :- North

87. in which method of estimation, a stiff brimmed hat is used?

Ans :- Nepoliyan Methode

88. In a 16 points compass, what is the angle of measurement between any two points?

Ans :- 22.5°

89 Name the only lashing which starts with the timber hitch?

Ans :- Diagonal Lashing

90 To join two poles at 90° to each other, which lashing is used?

Ans :- Square Lashing

91. To make a tripod, which lashing is used?

Ans :- Figure Of Eight Lashing

92 What is the minimum period for which you should work as a Pratham Sopan guide to qualify for Dwitiya Sopan?

Ans :- 06 Month.

93. In the centemetre-Inch method, how many units are taken from the foot of an object?

Ans :- 09 Foot

94. In Ttritiya sopan, hike of how many kilometres hike is to be taken up ?

Ans :- 10KM

95.Which knot is used to pull a heavy load?

Ans :- Manharness knot, Timber Hitch

96. H/L = h/l is the formula used to find the height of an object in which method?

Ans :- Shadows Method

97. How many point programme is to be followed in ‘leprosy’ proficiency badge?

Ans :- Five Point.

98. How many parts are there in Scout/Guide promise?

Ans :- Three

99. Which knot do you use to begin sheer lashing?

Ans :- Clove Hitch

100. Which hitch is used for tying badminton nets?

Ans :- Clove Hitch

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राष्ट्रीय ध्वज, भारत स्काउट और गाइड ध्वज, विश्व स्काउट एवं गाइड ध्वज

101. Where is the National Training Centre of BS&G located?

Ans :- Pachmarhi (M.P)

102. Who is the patron in Chief of BS&G?

Ans :- President of India

103. Who appoints the District Training Commissioner?

Ans :- State Chief Commissioner

104. Who is the Secretary of the District Badge Committee?

Ans :- D.O.C

105. When was the first Girl Guides Company established in Calcutta?

Ans :- 1913

106. When was the book "Girl Guiding in India" published?

Ans :- 1918

107. Where was the first troop formed in the railways?

Ans :- NWR

108. When was "The Scout Herald" published?

Ans :- 1933

109. Where did BP celebrate his 80th birthday?

Ans :- India

110. When and where was the first Merger Committee meeting held?

Ans :- 1948, Nagpur

111. When was the first meeting of the Executive Committee of BSG held?

Ans :- 1953

112. Who inaugurated the BP Memorial building at NTC Pachmarhi?

Ans :- Lady B.P

113. Where was the first All India Guide Seminar held?

Ans :- Pachmarhi

114. Where was the first JOTA camp organized?

Ans :- New Delhi

115. When did Lady BP become the World Chief Guide?

Ans :- 1930

116. How many stars are there in the Great Wear?

Ans :- 07

117. When was the first scout rally of Crystal Palace London held?

Ans :- 1909

118. ​​How many scouts participated in the 3rd World Jamboree?

Ans :- 50000

119. In which country is the Baden Powell Pick located?

Ans :- Nepal

120. How many Vice Presidents are there in the State Association?

Ans :- 12

121. When was the post of National Commissioner of BSG changed to Chief National Commissioner?

Ans :- 30 November 2014

122. Who is the Secretary of the National Rule Committee?

Ans :- Director

123. Who was the 10th President of Bharat Scouts and Guides?

Ans :- Rameshwar Thakur

124. Which Thinking Day is being celebrated on 22 February 2022?

Ans :- 96th

125. Who organizes the World Thinking Day?


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126. When was Thinking Day renamed as World Thinking Day?

Ans :- 1999

127. Which proficiency badge is related to ‘Van Mahotsav’?

Ans :- Ecologist

128. ROVER : RENGER :: CUB : _____?


129. When the poles are crossing each other, which lashing would you use to time them 

Ans :- Diagonal Lashing

130. in which method of estimation, a stiff brimmed hat is used?

Ans :- Nepoliyan Method

131. By whom was the first contingent of Indian boys organized in the 1908s, later disbanded?

 Answer: Rev. Alexwood

132. In which school was the first Scout Troop opened in India?

 Answer:- Bishop Cotton School, Bangalore

133. By whom was the first Scout Troop opened in India?

Answer:- Capt. T. H. Baker and Major Pakemban

134. When was the Calcutta Boys Scouts Association established?

Answer:- 1910

135. Where was the Girl Guiding Messenger service started?

 Answer:- Lal Bagh Mission Girls School, Lucknow

136. When and who wrote The Girl Messenger Book?

Answer:- 1910 , Davis

137. Chief Commissioner of Boys Scout Association Was appointed from?

Answer:- Brigadier General F.G. Bond

138. Who was appointed as the Assistant Chief Commissioner of Boys Scout Association?

Answer:- Major P. Walls

139. Who was appointed as the General Secretary of the Boys Scout Association?

Answer:- Capt. T. H. Baker

140. When was the first Girl Guides Company established in Calcutta?

Answer:- 1913 

141. When and who started the Scout Master training in the Central Provinces?

Answer:- Vivian Bose, 1913

142. When, where and who started the organization of Bal Seva Dal?

Answer:- 1913, Shahjahanpur (U.P.), Shri Ram Bajpayee

143. When was the Bengali Boys Scout Association formed?

Answer:- 1914

144. When and who started the Boys Shikari Movement in the Central Provinces?

Answer:- Mr. JR Isaac, 1914 

145. When and where was the Parsi Scouting Association organized?

Answer:- 1914 ,Bombay

146. When and who started the Sindh Boys Scout Association?

Answer:- 1915 A. I. LANGLEY

147. When was the first company of Indian guide opened in Poona?

Answer:- 1916 

148. When was the Indian Boys Scout Association formed and who was its patron?

Answer:- 1916 , Annie Besant

149. When was the South India Boys Scouts established?

Answer:- 1916 

150. When and who opened the first scout troop in the southern part of Calcutta?

Answer:- L.C.Mitter in 1916





151. When and who raised the issue of Scouting in the Imperial Legislative Council?

Answer:- Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya in 1917

152. What was the name of Calcutta Boys Scout Association renamed?

Answer:- Bengali Boys Scout League

153. When was the name of Calcutta Boys Scout Association changed?

Answer:- 1918 

154. When was the book "Girl Guiding in India" published?

Answer:- 1918 

155. Where was the training of the first Scout Troop started?

Answer:- Allahabad

156. When was the Sewa Samiti Boys Scout Association formed?

Answer:- 1918 

157. Who and when was appointed the first commissioner for Indian guide in Bengal?

Answer:- Greaves in 1919  

158. Who was appointed as the Commissioner for the Indian Guide in 1920?

Answer:- Lady Abla Bose

159. When did the South Indian Boys Association and Indian Boys Scout Association merge?

Answer:- 1920 

160. When was the Seva Samiti Scout magazine published?

Answer:- 1921 

161. Sister Scouts and Girl Messenger Service merged with

Answer:- All India Girl Guide Service

162. When did Sister Scouts and Girl Messenger Service merge?

Answer:- 1921 

163. When and where did Industrial Scouting start?

Answer:- 1921, Nagpur

164. When was the first arrival of BP in India as Chief Scout?

Answer:- 1921

165. How many main conferences did BP address during his visit to India in 1921?

Answer:- 06

166. How many main rallies did BP inspect during his visit to India in 1921?

Answer:- 24 Rally

167. How many main lectures did BP give during his visit to India in 1921?

Answer:- 20

168. How many main public speeches did BP give during his visit to India in 1921?

Answer:- 09

169. When and where was the first Wood Badge course organized?

Answer:- 1922, Calcutta

170. How many Scout Melas was organized by the Seva Samiti Scout Association in 1923?

Answer:- 09

171. When and where was the first All India Girl Guide Camp organized?

Answer:- 1923 , Ganesh Khind (Poona)

172. When was BP's book "Scouting for Indian Boys" published?

Answer:- 1923

173. "Scouting for Indian Boys" was published by?

Answer:- Boys Scout Association, London

174. When and where was the first World Guide Camp held?

Answer:- 1924, Foxleys

175. When was Scouting started in Indian Railways?

Answer:- 1926

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176. ​​Where was the first troop formed in the railways?

Answer:- North-Western Railway (N W R)

177. When and where was the All India Scout Rally held?

Answer:- Madras in 1926

178. How many scouts participated in the All India Scout Rally?

Answer:- 4000 Scouts

179. When and where was the First All India Scouters Conference held?

Answer:- 1927, New Delhi

180. Where was the decision to set up the National Headquarters of the Boys Scout Association?

Answer:- New Delhi

181. When did All India Girl Guide Association become a full member of WAGGGS?

Answer:- 1929 

182. Who was the first Indian woman to represent the Indian Guides Movement in the World Conference?

Answer:- Julie Sen in 1932

183. When was "The Scout Herald" published?

Answer:- 1933

184. Where was "The Scout Herald" published?

Answer:- Mizoram

185. When was roving started in Mizoram?

Answer:- 1933 

186. When did Colonel Wilson, the Chief of Gilwell Park, visit India?

Answer:- 1933 

187. When did the scouts of Seva Samiti and Boy Scout Association render their service in the earthquake affected areas of Bihar?

Answer:- 1934 

188. When and where was the second All India Conference of Boy Scout Association held?

Answer:- 1934, New Delhi

189. Who was named as the first Indian Chief Commissioner of the Indian Boy Scout Association?

Answer:- Nawab Mohammad Ahmed Saeed Khan

190. When and where was the first All India Marine Scout Course held?

Answer:- In 1936  Karwar

191. What was the name of Girl Guide magazine changed from "Indian Guide News Sheet"?

Answer - Indian guide

192. When did Baden Powell come to India for the second time as a Chief Scout?

Answer :- 1937 

193. Where did BP celebrate his 80th birthday?

Ans :- India

194. When did BP make his last visit to India?

Answer:- 1937

195. When and where was the first round table conference of Boys Scout Association and Seva Samiti Boys Scout Association held?

Answer:- 1937  Allahabad

196 How many scouts participated in the scout fair of the Hindustan Scouts Association of 1939?

Answer:- 7000 Scouts

197. When and how many days Himalayan Wood Badge training camp was organized by Pt. Shri Ram Bajpayee?

 Answer:- 42 days in 1940

198. When was the first Air Scouting started in India?

Answer:- 1941 

199. When and where was the first Air Scouting camp organized in India?

Answer:- 1941. Indian Air Force Headquarters, New Delhi

200. When and where was the first Merger Committee meeting held?

Answer:- 1948, Nagpur





201. When did Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru passed away?

Answer:- 1949 

202. When and where was the second meeting of the Merger Committee held?

Answer:- 1959 , New Delhi

203. When did the Girl Guide Association agree to merge with Bharat Scouts and Guides?

Answer:- 1950 

204. When was the third meeting of the Merger Committee held?

Answer:- 1950

205 When was the Girl Guide Association merged with Bharat Scouts and Guides?

Answer:- 1951 

206. When was the first regular meeting of the National Council of Bharat Scouts and Guides held?

Answer:- 1953 

207 Where was the first regular meeting of the National Council of Bharat Scouts and Guides held?

Answer:- New Delhi

208. When was the first meeting of the Executive Committee of BSG held?

Answer:- 1953 

209. Where was the first meeting of the Executive Committee of BSG held?

Answer:- New Delhi

210. When was the Northern Railway Scouts and Guides recognized as a State Association?

Answer:- 1953 

211. When did Dame Leslie Watley, director of the World Bureau of Girl Guides, visit India?

Answer:- 1953 

212. When and where was the first All India Jamboree of independent India held?

Answer:- 1953 , Hyderabad

213. Who participated from India's side in the 15th World Guide Conference held in Holland, 1954?

Answer:- Lakshmi Mazumdar

214. When was the official magazine of Bharat Scouts and Guides published?

Answer:- In 1955 

215. What was the name of the official magazine of Bharat Scouts and Guides?

Answer:- Journal of Bharat Scouts and Guides

216. When was the zonal headquarters of Scouting established in South Central Railway?

Answer:- 1955 

217. When and who laid the foundation stone of BP Bhavan?

Answer:- 1956  Dr. Rajendra Prasad

218. When and where was the second National Jamboree held?

Answer:- 1956, Jaipur

219. When did the executive committee of BSG recognize the regional headquarters associations of railways as states?

Answer:- 1957 

220. When and who laid the foundation of the National Headquarters of Bharat Scouts and Guides?

Answer:- 1960, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

221. When was the first scout guide president rally held?

Answer:- 1961

222. Who inaugurated the BP Memorial building at NTC Pachmarhi?

Answer:- Lady Baden Powell

223. When was the first All India Guide Seminar held?

Answer:- 1962 

224. Where was the first All India Guide Seminar held?

Answer:- Pachmarhi

225. When and where was the first All India Scouters and Guiders seminar held?

Answer:- 1970, NTC Pachmarhi

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226. When was the first All India Adults Leader Trainers Course held?

Answer:- 1970 

227. When was the first Rover and Rangers Leaders Conference held?

Answer:- 1967 

228. Where was the first JOTA camp organized?

Answer:- New Delhi

229. When was the first JOTA camp organized?

Answer:- 1967 

230. Who is the author of the book "A DREAM CAME TRUE"?

Answer:- Smt. Lakshmi Mazumdar

231. When and where was the first WIRLESS training course organized?

Answer:- 1970, NHQ, New Delhi

232. When was Lord Robert Baden Powell born?
Answer :- 22 February 1857 

233. What was the surname of Lord Robert Baden Powell?
Answer :- BP, Robin

234. What was the nickname given to Baden Powell by Lady Baden Powell?
Answer :- BP, Robin

235. Where was Lord Baden Powell born?
Answer :- Paddington, London (England)

236. When did Lord Baden Powell die?
Answer :- 08 January 1941 

237. Where did Lord Baden Powell die?
Answer :- Kenya

238. In which cemetery was Baden Powell buried?
Answer :- St. Peter's Cemetery, Nayeri

239. How long was Baden Powell's army tenure?
Answer :- 1876-1910

240. What position was Baden Powell in the army?
Answer :- Lieutenant General

241. When did Baden Powell take over the post of Inspector General of Cavalry?
Answer :- 1903

242. What was the name of Lord Baden Powell's wife?
Answer :- Olive St. Clair Somas

243 How many children did Lord Baden Powell have?
Answer :- 03

244. What were the names of the three children of Lord Baden Powell?
Answer :- Arthur Robert Peter Baden-Powell, Heather Grace Baden-Powell, Betty St. Clair Baden-Powell

245. When was the first experimental camp set up by Baden Powell?
Answer :- 1907

246. Where was the first experimental camp set up by Baden Powell?
Answer:- Brown Sea Island, England

247. When was the first experimental camp set up by Baden Powell?
answer :- 1907

248. When and where was the first Scout rally organized?
Answer :- 1909, Crystal Palace, London

249. When did Lord Baden Powell retire from the army?
Answer :- 1910

250. When was Girl Guiding started by Baden Powell and Sister Agnes Baden Powell?
Answer : -1910