What is Good Turn ?
At the very heart of the Scout Movement is the friendly Good Turn. It might even be called the motive power of the Movement and because it is so essential to the boy/girl, to the organization, and to society in general. It is of great importance that we understand all that it really means as well as how to best stimulate its use and recognize its values.
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Good Turn |
A Good Turn is a volunteered kind act of good deed without expecting anything in return. Rovers must be encouraged to watch for things that need to be done, and then do them without being asked.More, Rovers most be trained and educated into the Good Turn Habit.They most be helped to see that doing a job which they are already supposed to do event cheerfully,ought not to be classed as doing a Good Turn.
Good Turn Story
As a real matter of fact it was an unselfish,fine sprited Good Turn by an unknown English boy which brought Scouting to America in the first place.The incident, now a cherished traditional in the annals of the Boy Scouts of America, ran as follows: William D. Boyce, the Chicago publisher, a matter - of - fact business man, had lost himself in the heart of a London fog, and in his bewilderment he looked here and there.
A street urchin, noticing his embarrassment, came up and saluted Mr.boyce and said, "May I be of service to you?" Mr.boyce said . "If you can show me how to and such - and - such an address if will be a real service." This lad very smartly saluted and said, "Sir, follow me." He forth with brought him to the place that Mr. Boyce desired.
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Then Mr. Boyce, characteristically of the traveller, pulled his coin purse out and offered the boy a shilling.The boy promptly saluted and said, " Sir, I am a Scout, Scouts do not accept tips for Courtesies.The man said, "What did you say? "
The Scout repeated, and then added, " Don't you know who the Scouts are ?" He said, "No, I don't, bit I would like to Know." The boy said, "follow me." Boyce pleaded for the opportunity to do his errand and then , as he tells the story himself, this lad was waiting for him outside and took him to the office is Sir Robert Baden - powell , after which he brought back to America a trunk- load of printed matter. He went to Washington and with his good friend Mr. Livingstone, who subsequently was for 15 years the president of Boy Scouts of America, he incorporated the BSA under the laws of the District of Colambia. The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated in 1910, and in 1916 granted Federal Charter by Act of Congress.
Complying with the regulation and rules of the school and school grounds is doing once duty, and not a Good Turn. On the other hand the Scout who watches for things that need to be done, and volunteers services to the captain, teacher or principal,has rendered a real Good Turn.
So you see the Good Turn habit has no end of avenues done which it may go. There is scarcely a day or an hour, an event or a situation where there is not an opportunity to do a Good Turn.The point is that Scouts must be trained to see these opportunities and to take real joy in making the most of the opportunity.
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