SECR Scout Guide Quota
Question paper and answer key of Computer Based Test (CBT) examination conducted for recruitment to the post of (Level 1) GP - 1800/- under Scout and Guide Quota year 2023-24.
1. What is the recommended compression- to-breath ratio for CPR in adults?
A. 5 compressions to 1 breath
B. 15 compressions to 2 breaths
C. 30 compressions to 2 breaths
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. 30 compressions to 2 breaths
2. What is the correct hand placement for chest compressions during CPR on an adult?
A. Lower half of the breastbone (sternum)
B. Middle of the chest, between the nipples
C. Upper abdomen, just below the ribcage
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- B. Middle of the chest, between the nipples
3. What is the first thing you should do 3 when someone is choking?
A. Perform back blows
B. Begin CPR
C. Perform abdominal thrusts
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. Perform back blows
4. What is the correct method to control 4 severe bleeding?
A. Apply a tourniquet above the bleeding site
B. Apply pressure directly to the wound with a clean cloth or your hand
C. Elevate the injured limb above the level of the heart
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- B. Apply pressure directly to the wound with a clean cloth or your hand
5. What is the first step in providing first 5 aid?
A. Assess the scene for safety
B. Apply direct pressure to the wound
C. Perform rescue breaths
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. Assess the scene for safety
6. who said following words - I pray that every home in India may have children. like Scouts and Guides.
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Jawahar Lal Nehru
C. Indira Gandhi
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. Mahatma Gandhi
7. Cub Scouts term is inspired by which book?
A. alibaba
B. the fox
C. jungle book
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. jungle book
8. in 1876 Baden powell failed to get admission in which university?
A. oxford
B. yale
C. harvard
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. oxford
9. Baden powell joined army and was posted where in india in 1876?
A. delhi
B. kanpur
C. lucknow
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. lucknow
10. in 1884 Baden powell published which book for scouts ?
A. recconaisance and Scouting
B. scouting for boy
C. scouting for girl
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. recconaisance and Scouting
11. scouting for boy was published in how many parts?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. 6
12. First International Scout Jamboree was held at?
A. paris
B. london
C. tokyo
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- B. london
13. The first world census puts the number of Scouts across the globe at?
A. more than 10 lakh
B. more than 20 lakh
C. more than 30 lakh
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. more than 10 lakh
14. Which of the following are major terrain features?
A. hill
B. cliff
C. ridge
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. hill
15. How close will an eight-digit grid get you to your point?
A. 1 meter
B. 10 meter
C. 100 meter
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- B. 10 meter
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16. Baden powell died in which country?
A. netherland
B. south africa
C. Kenya
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. Kenya
17. As given in book Scouting for boys by Baden Powell - Signs of patrol - the BULL patrol is identified by which color?
B. Blue
C. green
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. green
18. As given in book Scouting for boys by Baden Powell-Signs of patrol - the OWL patrol is identified by which color?
B. Blue
C. green
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- B. Blue
19. As given in book Scouting for boys by Baden Powell - Signs of patrol - the CURLEW patrol is identified by which color?
B. Blue
C. green
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- D. None of the above
20. As given in book Scouting for boys by Baden Powell - Signs of patrol - the WOLF patrol is identified by which color?
B. Blue
C. Yellow
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- B. Blue
21. Which knot is used to tie a rope to a pole?
A. Timber Hitch
B. Tautline Hitch
C. Clove Hitch
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. Clove Hitch
22. Which knot is used to tie two ropes together? It is better used with ropes of the same size.
A. Timber Hitch
B. Tautline Hitch
C. Square Knot
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. Square Knot
23. Which knot creates a loop that will not slip?
A. Square Knot
B. Two Half Hitches
C. Bowline Knot
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. Bowline Knot
24. This knot is used to temporarily shorten the length of a rope. It can also isolate a part of a weak rope.
A. Sheepshank Knot
B. Taut Line Hitch
C. Bowline Knot
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. Sheepshank Knot
25. This knot is used to join two different size ropes together.
A. Square Knot
B. Sheet Bend
C. Bowline Knot
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- B. Sheet Bend
26. Fire is a process of combustion accompanied by the rapid release of heat and in varying intensities.
A. light
B. energy
C. explosion
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. light
27. Fire is caused by a combination of
A. Fuel, paper and gas
B. Earth, water and heat
C. Fuel, oxygen and heat
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. Fuel, oxygen and heat
28. What's the single most important thing you need to survive in the wild?
A. food
B. water
C. warmth
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- B. water
29. If you're looking for insects to eat, which ones should you avoid?
A. Big insects
B. small insects
C. bright insects
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. bright insects
30. It's better to build your shelter near what?
A. cliff
B. dry river bed
C. water source
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. water source
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31. Why should you try to avoid sleeping directly on the ground?
A. to avoid snakes bite
B. to eliminate the risk of contracting disease
C. to keep from losing body heat
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. to keep from losing body heat
32. What type of food or beverages should you AVOID in cases of hypothermia?
A. milk
B. hot water
C. caffeine
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. caffeine
33. Why should you melt snow or ice before drinking it?
A. to avoid cutting your mouth on sharp ice
B. to avoid brain freeze
C. to avoid dehydration
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. to avoid dehydration
34. How can you determine the distance of an oncoming storm?
A. by the time between flashes of lightning and claps of thunder
B. by the length of the lightning bolt
C. by the loudness of the thunder
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. by the time between flashes of lightning and claps of thunder
35. What do lush vegetation and swarming insects often indicate?
A. dead animals
B. water
C. fertile soil
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- B. water
36. Which symptom determines if you are experiencing severe dehydration?
A. dry mouth
B. rapid heartbeat
C. vomiting and diarrhea
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- C. vomiting and diarrhea
37. Which symptom below does NOT indicate hypothermia?
A. stiff joints
B. cough
C. loss of bladder control
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- B. cough
38. If you're facing the sun at noon in the Northern Hemisphere, walking toward it will take you in what direction?
A. north
B. south
C. east
D. west
Right Ans :- B. south
39. Where is the legend of a map found?
A. Lower left margin
B. Lower right margin
C. Top of the map
D. Upper right margin
Right Ans :- A. Lower left margin
40. How many Norths are there on a military map?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Right Ans :- C. 3
41. WRITE ESSAY (300 words maximum)
Discuss role of higher Education versus skill acquisition in society?
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