In this post, information about the correct answers to the questions asked in the written examination of West Central Railway Scout Guide Quota Recruitment 2023-24 is given.
1. All questions are compulsory, and options are given for the essay.
2. Write only correct option 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'. Overwriting is not permissible. No marks will be awarded for such answers.
3. There will be negative markings in objective-type questions. 1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Duration: 1½ Hrs Date: 11.02.2024. Maximum Marks: 60
Part- A Multiple Choice Question (1 marks x 40 = 40 marks)
1. What is the colour of patrol flag
A. Blue
B. White
C. Green
D. Black
Right Ans :- B. White
2. What is the ratio of Length and breadth of national flag
A. 3:2
B. 5:2
C. 4:3
D. 1:1
Right Ans :- A. 3:2
3. When was the flag of Bharat Scouts and Guides adopted.
A. 15 august 1952
B. 15 august 1951
C. 15 august 1950
D. 15 august 1947
Right Ans :- B. 15 august 1951
4. What are the things required in first aid box.
A. Stethoscope
B. Insulin injection
C. Anti-septic cream
D. Antibiotic medicine
Right Ans :- C. Anti-septic cream
5. What is the meaning of long whistle
A. come near, make line
B. keep quiet, be attentive
C. see outside, be ready
D. none of these
Right Ans :- B. keep quiet, be attentive
6. What is the angle formed between two legs in case of "Saavdhan"
A. 45°
B. 35°
C. 30°
D. 60°
Right Ans :- A. 45°
7. what is the length of life saving chord.
A. 4 m
B. 3 m
C. 2 m
D. 5 m
Right Ans :- B. 3 m
8. Who are called Pioneers
A. those who go ahead and search road ahead
B. those who remain behind
C. those who move with group
D. None of these
Right Ans :- A. those who go ahead and search road ahead
9. What is the type of knife used in scouts and guides
A. sharp knife
B. jack or clasp knife
C. turned knife
D. small knife
Right Ans :- B. jack or clasp knife
10. which of these is a foundation fire
A. four wooden pieces in a rectangle
B. three wooden pieces in a triangle
C. two wooden pieces crossed
D. two wooden pieces parallel
Right Ans :- B. three wooden pieces in a triangle
11. Which of these is a source of protein
A. potato
B. rice
C. pulses
D. wheat
Right Ans :- C. pulses
12. What is the angle formed at one point
A. 180°
B. 360°
C. 100°
D. 90°
Right Ans :- B. 360°
13. Two places are at a distance of 3.5 km. They are shown as 5 cm on map. What is the scale
A. 1/70000
B. 1/10000
C. 1/7000
D. 1/700
Right Ans :-
14. what are the things not protected by dressing.
A. stoppage of blood flow
B. spreading of wound
C. protection from germs
D. decrease in immunity
Right Ans :- D. decrease in immunity
15. Where are the wide games played
A. in open space
B. In closed room
C. In school
D. In office
Right Ans :- A. in open space
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16. what is the full form of e-mail.
A. emergency mail
B. electronic mail
C. electric mail
D. easy mail
Right Ans :- B. electronic mail
17. Who is called as father of computer.
A. Charles Babbage
B. Neils Bohr
C. L Maxwell
D. N Markoni
Right Ans :- A. Charles Babbage
18. What is the main purpose of CPR (Cardio pulmonary Resusciation)
A. to prevent stoppage of heart beat
B. to stop stomach ache
C. to stop blood flow
D. to stop hand pain
19. What is the meaning of •••• in morse code
A. A
B. D
C. S
D. H
Right Ans :- D. H
20. Which is the instrument not used in chain surveying.
A. chain
B. tape
C. String
D. ranging Rod
Right Ans :- C. String
21. Which of these is not a level of disaster management
A. National level
B. state level
C. district level
D. subdivision level
Right Ans :- D. subdivision level
22. What is the minimum age of Rovers
A. 18 years
B. 12 years
C. 15 years
D. 16 years
Right Ans :- C. 15 years
23. Where is the headquarter of Scout and guide situated
A. Kolkata
B. Mumabi
C. New Delhi
D. pune
Right Ans :- C. New Delhi
24. Which of these is not a tool for camp
A. Hammer
B. Saw
C. Shovel
D. Scissiors
Right Ans :- D. Scissiors
25. Which of these is considered as "SEVA"
A. Cleanliness drive
B. Tree plantation
C. beautification
D. all of these
26. Which of these instrument is used to know the north direction
A. scale
B. compass
C. stone
D. theodolite
Right Ans :- B. compass
27. Which of these skills is not mandatory to pass third level sopan
A. camelman
B. climber
C. hiker
D. horse riding
Right Ans :- D. horse riding
28. Which one of these is a type of swimming
A. Breast stroke
B. Hand stroke
C. Leg stroke
D. stomach stroke
Right Ans :- A. Breast stroke
29. Which of the method used to estimate the height
A. scale method
B. Stencil method
C. flag method
D. Lumber man's method
30. The conference of world scouts and guides is held at what interval
A. 1 years
B. 2 years
C. 5 years
D. 3 years
Right Ans :- D. 3 years
31. How many members are there in a scout and guide company
A. 12-32
B. 10-30
C. 10-20
D. None of these
Right Ans :- A. 12-32
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32. A boy of age 3-5 years belong to wing
A. Scout
B. Cub
C. rover
D. Bunny
Right Ans :- D. Bunny
33. Last National Jamboree was held in which state
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Rajasthan
C. Kerla
D. none of these
Right Ans :- B. Rajasthan
34. Which of the following consists of Girls/Women
A. Troop
B. Pack
C. Company
D. Crew
Right Ans :- C. Company
35. A man runs 7.5 kms in an hour. What is the distance he will cover in 3.5 hrs.
A. 26.75 km
B. 36.25 km
C. 26.25 km
D. 27.25 km
Right Ans :- C. 26.25 km
36. What is the size of World Scout flag.
A. 150x100 cm
B. 135x90 cm
C. 180x120 cm
D. 110x75 cm
Right Ans :- B. 135x90 cm
37. who was the writer of prayer "Dayakar Dan Bhakti ka"
A. Sri Bankim chand chatterjee
B. Sri Rabindranath tagore
C. Sri Veer dev "Veer"
D. Sri Gopal Das
Right Ans :- C. Sri Veer dev "Veer"
38. National training centre of Bharat Scouts and Guides is located at
A. Chennai, Tamilnadu
B. Pune, Maharashtra
C. Pachmadhi, Madhya pradesh
D. Bangalore, karnataka
Right Ans :- C. Pachmadhi, Madhya pradesh
39. Which of these "aasans" are done over stomach
A. padmasan
B. Todasan
C. pashchimottan aasan
D. bhujang aasan
Right Ans :- D. bhujang aasan
40. Which of the official website of Bharat Scouts and guides
A. www.scout.org
B. www.bharatscout.org
C. www.bsgindia.org
D. www.indianscout.org
Right Ans :- C. www.bsgindia.org
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Part- B Essay Type Question (20 marks)
Write short notes on any Four of the following topics
(5 marks x 4 = 20 marks)
i) Types of Pollution and control
ii) Gender Equality and women empowerment
ⅲ) Levels of disaster Management
iv) Surveying Mapping