National Association : Rules Book Of The Bharat Scouts and Guides Question Answer.

National Association : Rules Book Of The Bharat Scouts and Guides Question Answer.

National Association

1. Bharat scuts and guides (BSG)under which registration act is it registered -

Ans:- society act- 1860

2. According to rule book what's the meaning of association -

Ans:- The Bharat scouts and Guides

3. Where is the registered office of bsg ?

Ans:- lakshmi mazumdar bhawan 16, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Indra prasath estate, new delhi- 110002

4. Who is the chief patron of national association bsg?

Ans:- vice president of India 

5.who is the patron in chief of bsg?

Ans:- President of India 

6. How many joint director of bs&g?

Ans:- 3

7. How many deputy director of bs&g?

Ans:- 4

8. Upto what age limit can the BSG President continue in his post?

Ans:- 70 years 

9. Upto what age limit can the Chief National Commissioner continue in his post?

Ans:- 70 years 

10. What is the supreme body of the National Association?

Ans:- National council 

11. How many years is the tenure of the National Council?

Ans:- 05 years 

12.How many years is the tenure of the president of BSG?

Ans:- 05 years 

13. How many years is the tenure of the Chief National Commissioner of BSG?

Ans:- 05 years

14.How many president are there in the national association 

Ans:- 01 (one)

15.How many vice presidents are there in the National Association ?

Ans:- 12 (twelve)

16. How many Vice Presidents can there be from each region in the National Council?

Ans:- 02 from each region 

17. How many lady  Vice Presidents can there be in each region in the National Council?

Ans:- 01 in each area 

18. What is the maximum number of(headquarters ) National Commissioners there can be in a National Association?

Ans:- 12

19. What is the maximum number of members invited by the President to the National Council?

Ans:- not more than 20

20.Where is the election of BSG President and Chief National Commissioner held?

Ans:- From Electrol College

21.How many representatives are included by the State Chief Commissioner for the election of BSG President and Chief National Commissioner?

Ans:- 02

22. How many representatives will be included by each state union for the election of Vice President?

Ans:- 02

23. What is the minimum number of votes to be cast from each state for the election of BSG President, Vice President and Chief National Commissioner ?

Ans:- 02,  scout wing- 01  guide wing- 01

24. Who presides over the National Council meeting?

Ans:- BSG president 

25.The BSG is to assist and advise the President in respect of matters referred to him and to make recommendations in the interest of the organisation?

Ans:- president in council 

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26. What is the apex advisory body of the Bharat Scouts and Guides ?

Ans:- President in council 

28. Who is the Chief Executive Head of the National Association?

Ans:- chief national commissioner 

28. Who appoints the additional chief national commissioner ?

Ans:- chief national commissioner 

29. Who appoints the international scout/guide commissioner ?

Ans:- chief national commissioner 

30. Who appoints (headquarters) the national commissioner?

Ans:- chief national commissioner 

31. Who appoints the National Treasure? 

Ans:- chief national commissioner 

32. On whose recommendation is the National Treasure appointed?

Ans:- National executive committee 

33. Who prepares the annual census and annual report of the National Association ?

Ans:- Director 

34. Bharat Scouts and Guides is the official organ and who publishes the magazines and pamphlets of the organisation ?

Ans:- Director 

35. Who will be the members of national programs committee?

Ans:- joint Director ,Dept Director, all SOC

36. Who is the coordinator of the National Program Committee?

Ans:- joint Director 

37. When does the National Program Committee meet? 

Ans:- once a year in the month of October

38. Who chairs the National Training Committee?

Ans:- National commissioner (Adult and resource)

39. Who will be the Secretary of the National Training Committee?

Ans:- joint Director 

40. When is the annual meeting of the National Training Committee?

Ans:- 15 October 

41. How many leader(LT) trainers will there be in the rule committee?

Ans:- 06 

42. How many youth committee representatives will there be in the rule committee?

Ans:- 02

43. How many finance experts are there in the National Executive Committee? 

Ans:- 02

44. Who will be the Secretary of the National Program and Training Committee?

Ans:- joint Director of program and training (SG)

45. Who issues the HWB perchment?

Ans:- dept. Director leader training 

46.Who is the Secretary of National Finance Committee ?

Ans:- Director 

47. Who is the chairman of the National Finance Committee?

Ans:- National treasure 

48. Who is the chairman of the National Executive Committee?

Ans:- chief national commissioner 

49. Who is the Secretary of the National Executive Committee ?

Ans:- Director 

50. How many days in advance will information about the notice, agenda and location of the National Executive be given to the member?

Ans:- 21 day

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51. How many days in advance will the members be informed about the place, time and date of the National Council meeting?

Ans:- 30 days before 

52. How many days in advance will information about the Agenda of the National Council meeting be sent to the members?

Ans:- 20 day

53. When does the National Council meet? 

Ans:- Before 31st December every year

54. Who is the Secretary of National Rule Committee ?

Ans:- Director 

55. How many years is the tenure of National Treasure?

Ans:- 05 years

56. Who appoints the director and joint Director (support service) ?

Ans:- chief national commissioner 

57. Who is the Joint Secretary of the National Council?

Ans:- joint director (support service)

58. Who prepares the agenda of the National Council and National Executive Committee?

Ans:- Director 

59.Who is the Secretary of National Program and Training Committee?

Ans:- joint director (program and training )

60. Who appoints the deputy director of (boys and girls program)

Ans:- chief national commissioner

61. Who appoints the Deputy Director (Leader and Training)?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

62. When does the National Executive Committee meeting?

Ans:- Twice a year

 63. Who is the Secretary of the National Adult Resource Management Committee?

Ans:- Joint Director (Scout/Guide)

64. What should be the age of the members of the National Youth Committee?

Ans:- Between 16 to 29 years

65. By whom is the decision on badge design passed?

Ans:- National Executive Committee

66. By which committee the permission for National and International Conference, Rally, Jamboree is given?

Ans:- National Executive Committee

67. How many members constitute the quorum for the meeting of the National Executive Committee?

Ans:- 08

68. Who appoints the National Adult and Resource Management Committee?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

69. Who will be the Chairman of the National Adult and Resource Management Committee?

Ans:- National Commissioner (Adult and Resource)

70. Who is the Secretary of National Adult and Resource Management Committee?

Ans:- Joint Director (S/G)

71. How many representatives of the State Youth Committee will be there in the National Youth Committee?

Ans:- At least 01 from each wing

72. Who nominates the Chairman of the National Youth Committee?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

73. Who presides over the Regional Council?

Ans:- Regional Chief Commissioner

74. When does the Regional Council meeting take place?

Ans:- Before 30th September

75. Who decides the date of the Regional Council meeting?

Ans:- Assistant Director

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76. How many days in advance will notice of the agenda and venue of the Regional Council meeting be sent?

Ans:- 07 days

77. Who appoints the Assistant Director?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner.

78. Who appoints the Regional Organizing Commissioner?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

79. Who oversees the proper and efficient administration of the Regional Office?

Ans:- Assistant Director

80. Who prepares the monthly reports and reports of the Regional Headquarters?

Ans:- Assistant Director

81. Who supervises and evaluates the work of the employees of the Regional Headquarters?

Ans:- Assistant Director

82. Who decides the annual registration fee of the State Association?

Ans:- National Executive Committee

83. What is the maximum number of votes that can be cast from a state for the election of BSG President and CNC?

Ans:- 20

84. Who approves the annual report and balance sheet of the National Association?

Ans:- National Council

85. Who will preside over the meeting of the National Council in the absence of the President?

Ans:- Senior Vice President

86. Who appoints the Secretary General of the President in Council?

Ans:- President

87. What is the qualification required to become Chief National Commissioner?

Ans:- 05 years experience as Warranted Commissioner at National level and 10 years experience as State level.

88. Who appoints the Additional Chief National Commissioner?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

89. Who appoints the Deputy International Commissioner?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

90. Who appoints the Deputy National Commissioner?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

91. Who appoints the National Headquarters Advisor?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

92. Who appoints the Deputy Director (Boys Programme)?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

93. Who appoints the Deputy Director (Leader Training)?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

94. Who provides warrant to the State Chief Commissioner?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner

95. On whose recommendation is the National Treasurer appointed?

Ans:- National Executive Committee

96. Who looks after the day-to-day administration of the National Association?

Ans:- Director

97. Who works as the Secretary of the National Association?

Ans:- Director

98. Who prepares the agenda of the meetings of the National Council and National Executive Committee?

Ans:- Director

99. Who is in charge of the correspondence and communication of the National Association?

Ans:- Director

100. Who is the Chairman of the National Rules Committee?

Ans:- Chief National Commissioner