Scout Guide Quota Question
In this post, information about important questions and answers related to the written examination of Scout Guide Kota Recruitment has been given.
All of you must read this post completely, it can be very important for you.
1. When did scouting start in Indian Railways?
A. 1926
B. 1953
C. 1959
D. 1955
Right Ans :- A. 1926
2. Who was the National Commissioner of BSG at the time of the first President's Award Scouts Guides Rally?
A. Vivian Bose
B. Hridaya Nath Kunjuru
C. Lakshmi Mazumdar
D. Shree Ram Vajpayee
Right Ans :- B. Hridaya Nath Kunjuru
3. What was the name of the World Guide Center located in India?"
A. Pax Hill
B. Our Cabana
C. Sangam
D. Our Ark
Right Ans :- C. Sangam
4. When did Mrs. Lakshmi Majumdar receive the "Padma Shri award?"
A. 1965
B. 1969
C. 1963
D. 1971
Right Ans :- A. 1965
5. When was the National Integration Camp Scheme started?"
A. 1999
B. 1971
C. 2005
D. 1981
Right Ans :- B. 1971
6. Who is the Chief Executive Head of the National Association?
A. Director
B. Chief National Commissioner
C. President Of BSG
D. Ministry Of Youth Affairs
Right Ans :- B. Chief National Commissioner
7. Who prepares the agenda of the National Council and National Executive Committee?"
A. Chief National Commissioner
B. National Treasurer
C. National Commissioner
D. Director
Right Ans :- D. Director
8. Operational Headquarters of WOSM is at-
A. Geneva
B. London
C. Kualalumpur
D. Mexico City
Right Ans :- C. Kualalumpur
9. The colour of the emblem of Troop Leader's Badge is:
A. Green
B. Blue
C. White
D. Yellow
Right Ans :- D. Yellow
10. Who will preside over the meeting of the National Council in the absence of the President?
A. Chief National Commissioner
B. Director
C. Vice President
D. National Commissioner
Right Ans :- C. Vice President
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11. Rashtrapati Guide Badge is worn on the-
A. Right Pocket
B. Left Sleeve
C. Right Sleeve
D. Left Pocket
Right Ans :- B. Left Sleeve
12. The first girl guide company was founded in 1911 at Christ Church school. Where was the school situated?
A. Bhopal
B. Indore
C. Pachmarhi
D. Jabalpur
Right Ans :- D. Jabalpur
13. National Science Day Celebrate
A. 28 Jan
B. 28 Feb
C. 03 March
D. 01 Nov
Right Ans :- B. 28 Feb
14. When is the National Space Day celebrated in India?"
A. 23 Aug
B. 03 Jun
C. 23 March
D. 01 May
Right Ans :- A. 23 Aug
15. What is the maximum number of members in a Scout Patrol?
A. 06
B. 07
C. 12
D. 08
Right Ans :- D. 08
16. Which knot is called parcel knot?"
A. Sheet Band
B. Reef Knot
C. Clove Hitch
D. Bowline
Right Ans :- B. Reef Knot
17. Which of the following is not a search engine?"
A. Yahoo
B. Chrome
C. Google
D. Whatsapp
Right Ans :- D. Whatsapp
18. When was the First Law Juliet Seminar held in Our Chalet?
A. 1928
B. 1929
C. 1932
D. 1924
Right Ans :- C. 1932
19. When was the WAGGGS Leadership Development Program (WLDP) launched?"
A. 2005
B. 2008
C. 2003
D. 2015
Right Ans :- B. 2008
20. Who was the founder of WAGGGS?
A. Lady Baden Powell
B. Egness Baden Powell
C. Lord Baden Powell
D. Juliet Sen
Right Ans :- C. Lord Baden Powell
21. How many chapters are there in Scouting for Boys?"
A. 07
B. 09
C. 08
D. 06
Right Ans :- B. 09
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22. When was the post of National Commissioner of BSG changed to Chief National Commissioner?
A. 2012
B. 2014
C. 2016
D. 2020
Right Ans :- B. 2014
23. Under which scheme hot milk, hot water and baby food will be available at railway stations?
A. Janani Sewa Scheme
B. Janani Suraksha Scheme
C. Janani Vikas Scheme
D. None of the above
Right Ans :- A. Janani Sewa Scheme
24. Who approves the budget of the District Association?
A. District Executive Committee
B. District Council
C. District Finance Committee
D. State Council
Right Ans :- B. District Council
25. Deputy Chief Minister Of Bihar?"
A. Tejasvi Yadav
B. Vijay Kumar Sinha
C. Nitish Kumar
D. Sushil Kumar Modi
Right Ans :- B. Vijay Kumar Sinha
26. Which knot is used to make a ladder with the help of stick and rope?
A. Timber Hitch
B. Rolling Hitch
C. Marline Spike Hitch
D. Draw Hitch
Right Ans :- C. Marline Spike Hitch
27. What is the other name for draw hitch?"
A. Rolling Hitch
B. Click Hitch
C. Clove Hitch
D. Highway Man Hitch
Right Ans :- D. Highway Man Hitch
28. What are the horizontal lines, numbered from south to north, in a map called?"
A. Northing
B. Easting
C. Conter Line
D. None of the Above
Right Ans :- A. Northing
29. In case of fire due to short circuits, which gas is used to put off the fire?"
A. O2
B. H20
C. CO2
D. None of the Above
Right Ans :- C. CO2
30. What is the smallest unit of a troop/company?"
A. Patrol
B. Pack
C. Crew
D. Flock
Right Ans :- A. Patrol
31. members of COH-
A. Troop leader
B. Assistant Troop leader
C. patrol leaders
D. All of the Above
Right Ans :- D. All of the Above
32. Which is the shortest railway zone in the country?"
A. West Central Railway
B. North Central Railway
C. Northeast Frontier Railway
D. East Central Railway
Right Ans :- C. Northeast Frontier Railway
33. How many stations were selected from East Central Railway under Amrit Bharat Station. Scheme?
A. 35
B. 509
C. 55
D. 45
Right Ans :- C. 55
34. When was the railway board established?"
A. 1915
B. 1903
C. 1899
D. 1905
Right Ans :- D. 1905
35. What is the slogan of Indian Railways?"
A. lifeline of the nation
B. Nation's Road of Action
C. National Service Road
D. Others
Right Ans :- A. lifeline of the nation
36. When was Girl Guiding started by Baden Powell and Sister Agnes Baden Powell?
A. 1908
B. 1910
C. 1909
D. 1911
Right Ans :- B. 1910
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37. where was the second National Jamboree of BSG heid?
A. Hyderabad
B. Pali
C. Kolkata
D. Jaipur
Right Ans :- D. Jaipur
38. When did Baden Powell come to India for the second time as a Chief Scout?
A. 1921
B. 1937
C. 1941
D. 1928
Right Ans :- B. 1937
39. Who is the Board of Patrons of the District Association?"
A. State Chief Commissioner
B. District Chief Commissioner
C. District Collector
D. None Of The Above
Right Ans :- C. District Collector
40. Who appoints the District Treasurer?
A. State Chief Commissioner
B. District Secretary
C. District Chief Commissioner
D. District Organising Commissioner
Right Ans :- C. District Chief Commissioner