Scout & Guide Quota Essay 


(Undermentioned major points the candidates must cover)

1. Many scouting association which ever in existence prior to 1950 were merged and the unified organisation i.e." The Bharat Scouts and Guides" came into existence. Later the Girl Guide association joined the Bharat Scouts and Guides on 15th August 1951.

2. The purpose of the Scouts and Guides Organisation is to contribute to the development of the young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of local, national and international communities.

3. The National headquarters of BSG is situated at New Delhi. All the State Associations including Railway States are affiliated to the National Headquarters of BSG. Earlier 9 Zones are affiliated to BSG as State Associations and later all the 16 zones are given individual Railway State status. Production Units of the respective zones are part of the nearest Zonal Railway as one of the District association.

Read this also

👉 National Association Rules Book Of BSG

👉 State Association Rules Book Of BSG

👉 District Association Rules Book Of BSG

4. The importance and relevance of Scout activities on the Indian Railways is the Scouts and Guides movement, which is world-wide one, aims at building character and inculcating a sense of discipline in those who joined the organisation.

5. A large number of Railway staff comes in contact with public. Their courteous behaviour towards the users and uprightness in dealings. will go a long way in building the Railway's image. As such, those who have gone through the scout movement are likely to prove more effective as Railway-men in the day to day discharge of their duties.

6. The Scouts and Guides organisation are organised at all levels in Railways namely at Board's level, Zonal level and in District level. Scouts and Guides activities are also encouraged in Railway schools, particularly Primary and Middle schools to inculcate the spirits of selfless service and self-discipline among the children.

The Scouts and Guides in Railways under take the following activities:

- Awareness Creation on avoiding crossing railway tracks, safety at unmanned level crossing, prevention of footboard travel, avoiding boarding and alighting in moving trains.

- Assisting in ticket collection during heavy rush period.

- Providing water to passengers, especially during summer.

- Promoting greenery through tree planting in Railway premises.

- Cleanliness drives in railway premises making use of dust bins.

- They have been rendering service during various railway programmes.

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- Their services include: Immunization camps, AIDS Awareness, Leprosy awareness, Communicable diseases, Non-formal Education, tuition for weaker children, Road safety etc.

- They assemble under the banner of All Indian Railways Jamborette, Samavesh, Utsav etc and exhibit their skills in Scout Guide craft as well as their cultural talents.

- Awareness campaigns on various forms of addiction- smoking, drinking, drugs, etc., by means of skits, mime show, songs, display of poster, Nukkad Natak etc

- They participate in Republic Day and Independence Day programmes at the headquarters and Divisional level

- They have rendered valuable service during rail accidents and during natural calamities such as tsunami, floods etc.

- Remarkable services were rendered by Scouts /Guides during Covid-19, by supplying Kabasura kudineer, supply of Masks, Supply of food, Sanitisers. Painting on walls and roads about

- precautions against Covid-19 etc. Observation of Special Days such as World earth Day, Environment Day, Unity day etc.

- Awareness against carrying Crackers in trains during Deepavali. Tree plantation in and around Railway premises.

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